Pregnancy Notes
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Last print run: Version 22.2 July 2024

The Pregnancy Notes aim to facilitate a partnership between the principal stakeholders in antenatal care – mother, baby and care provider – and place emphasis on patient safety and informed choice. These notes are designed to support comprehensive history taking, promote effective communication between the mother and the multi-disciplinary care team and between members of that team.

The comprehensive risk assessment identifies individual risk factors for the expectant mother, thus assisting identification of the correct maternity pathway for her. This information should then be used to develop a management plan individualised to the needs of the woman ensuring safe, high quality maternity care.

The notes are hand-held by the woman, this approach encourages two-way communication so the expectant mother and her family are fully informed and able to contribute to the decision making process. Documenting all clinical care and management plans within the hand held record encourages openness and transparency. Effective communication within the multi-disciplinary team helps to prevent avoidable loss and accurate, contemporaneous record keeping is a fundamental component of good maternity practice.

The notes were introduced into clinical practice in the West Midlands in 2002 following region-wide consultation. Since this time the notes have been reviewed and revised in line with national recommendations, feedback from clinical practice and users. The notes are now used in over 60% of all maternities in England.

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Project Team:

Sue Day Office Administrator
Andreea Lake Office Administrator
This Site is Maintained by the Perinatal Institute