About the Notes Postnatal Bereavement Notes
About the Notes
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Last print run: Version 17.1 - July 2017
About the notes

The Bereavement Postnatal Notes for Mother have been developed, as a stand alone booklet pro-moting sensitive individualised care, ensuring appropriate support for the mother. When the mother has been bereaved, the specialist document contains minimal references to the baby following a stillbirth or neonatal death. This ensures that the mother is given information that relates to her specific care requirements. Extensive consultation has been undertaken with specialist chari-ties/ support groups and specialist health care teams. At the end of the period of midwifery care, the booklet is returned to the unit for filing, and available for the postnatal appointment with the ob-stetric team.

Bereavement care has been associated with a lack of communication between different health care professionals. These notes have been designed to facilitate this and improve standards of care. The notes are tailored to meet individual physical and psychological needs of the woman and her family. While offering an equitable service which is accessible, flexible and sensitive.

The notes team has been involved with updating the latest guidelines for professionals from the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity (SANDS 2016). Pregnancy loss and the death of your baby. Chapter 15 “Postnatal care” outlines the need for postnatal notes for women to meet their specific individualised care requirements and they suggest using these notes. For further information visit:

Project Team

Sue Day Office Administrator
Andreea Lake Office Administrator
This Site is Maintained by the Perinatal Institute