Consultation Process

Prior to each release of new or updated maternity notes, a comprehensive consultation process is undertaken to agree the content and ensure ‘user friendliness’. The aim is to produce clear, logical documentation of care, in line with the latest national guidance.

Following the initial development of new notes by users and specialist clinicians, a 3 month pilot at a number of hospitals is undertaken. Each clinician involved in the pilot is given an evaluation form to complete providing feedback on the layout, usefulness for recording the care provision and for suggestions on improvements. In addition, each set of notes in the pilot includes an evaluation form for the women to complete, to also comment on the information included in the document.

Following the pilot the notes are then revised as per the recommendations and a national consultation day is held to agree the final revisions.

The Update Process includes the following steps:

  1. All users receive an email notification of the planned update; they are asked for suggestions and are invited to a national consultation meeting held at the Perinatal Institute
  2. User suggestions and any relevant national, regional and local recommendations are brought as drafts to the consultation meeting
  3. The national consultation meeting discusses the draft notes and changes are agreed by consensus
  4. A final draft is produced and presented at a follow up national meeting for final approval before being sent to the printers
  5. A set of the new versions are forwarded to each user unit along with a handout outlining the changes made

Regular updating of the suite of notes is undertaken following any new national / regional guidelines and user feedback. This enables the notes to be in line with current recommendations to enhance care in clinical practice.

If you would like to contribute to the consultation and review process, please contact the notes team at or call Shani Taylor on
0121 607 0101

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